COVID-19 Response
Tru-Turn precision model products are manufactured in the USA IN Houston, Texas by ROMCO Manufacturing inc.
Since 1975 ROMCO is a supplier to many industries such as power gen, aerospace, defense and food processing. Each of these industries have many facets which are essential to daily infrastructure related processes critical to the United States and other countries.
ROMCO plays a small part in each of these industries which is considered “essential”.
Much like your local governments, ours has issued a stay-home order to all but essential operations.
ROMCO’s expert support staff remain online and available remotely for Tru-Turn customers throughout the modeling community .
We will be operating under an essential critical infrastructure workforce designation as laid out by US homeland security CISA.
During these Government orders, all ROMCO employees, materials and equipment will be operational solely for essential infrastructure services.
NO visitors will be allowed in ROMCO buildings during this time.
These are unprecedented times and we are taking the proper action to keep our crews healthy and producing essential items as we all endure these new and temporary hardships.
Please be patient as Tru-Turn orders will be filled after production resumes.
If you have any questions or comments during this stop in production, please contact our office staff who are working remotely until further notice and they will assist you and act upon your preferences of the options we have at this time.
Thank you and please stay healthy and we will be back flying sooner than predicted!